Even during this strange year, so much to be grateful for.
I was hoping to start this week’s Deeper Thoughts without mention of the weirdness of 2020 or COVID-19. But if you’re going to do a column about gratitude, you can’t ignore the elephant in the room, I guess.
In spite of a year like no other and in spite of some pretty volatile conditions all around us, we’ve almost made it to the end of another year. But it’s no footnote that we may have just lived through the best year in the mortgage origination industry’s history. (And that’s not to take lightly anyone who has suffered losses or serious consequences from the virus by any means.). We’re talking 2002 – 2003 numbers, here.
So as we hopefully take a little time with family (socially-distanced or otherwise) and friends this week, let’s be grateful that our biggest industry problems in 2020 tended to revolve around being able to handle more business than we expected. Time and time again, I heard from friends across the industry that their battle was processing too many loans. I know it’s cliché, but that’s like a fishing boat that can’t get the fish into the holding tank fast enough.
To a large degree, that’s a great problem to have!
I know that we here at LodeStar have had quite a year of our own. We were honored by several awards, including the Philadelphia100. We’ve grown our business tremendously. And in spite of the obstacles imposed by shutdowns and Stay at Home requirements from state to state, our flexibility and willingness to adapt made 2020 our best year yet.
We’re grateful to all of the businesses and people out there who’ve been willing to give us a try for the first time in 2020 as well as all of our clients who’ve been with us for a while. We’re also thankful for all the people—employees, their families and all of our business partners—who help us deliver to you every day.
Finally, we’re grateful for you. Even if you don’t do business with us directly, we’re honored that you take a little time each week to join us in our little corner of the blogosphere. We wish everyone a safe, relaxing and healthy Thanksgiving holiday, and a fine finish to 2020!
Have a few questions of your own? Ideas or suggestions for future topics? Please share with me at jpaolino@lssoftwaresolutions.com.