Deeper Thoughts
And Now, It’s Your Turn! – January 6th, 2021


Issue #55: And Now, It’s Your Turn!

Welcome to 2021! But before we get started, it’s your turn.

We’re thrilled to say that Deeper Thoughts has been going out to you, our loyal viewers, for over a year now. LodeStar Reports has been getting good feedback even longer.

Yet in this busy world of ours, we don’t always have time to share a quick thought or observation on the content we view. Those thoughts can sometimes make good content great, or great content…whatever comes after great! But every one of us is busy. And every piece of content we view or product we purchase wants our feedback. We can’t do it all the time for everyone.

We understand. 

However, if you’ll indulge us, we’re asking a small favor this week. Let us know your thoughts about the LodeStar Reports. There are five questions (4 multiple choice and one open-ended). Easy stuff. Should literally take less than two minutes. 

Please be so kind as to take our humble survey. We’d be grateful! 

Additionally, we will donate $10 for every survey response to Feeding America. Have a look to see the good work they’re doing every day!

In our effort to be brief, you’ll find the survey isn’t all-encompassing. So if you do have other ideas you’d like to share or something to point out, you can always also email me at

Thanks again!
