We spend a lot of time here on Deeper Thoughts talking about points for improvement in the mortgage process. I also like to think we offer some solutions!
However, as I type this, I’m on hold with a customer service call center. Listening to hold music. The kind that gives one a headache. And it’s occurred to me that ours is certainly not the only industry that still clings to a couple of very outdated concepts. Most of them seem to be related to how we market and sell things to prospects. So, with that, I introduce what may become an occasional but recurring theme:
…will corporate customer service call centers give up the ghost on hold music? And when will they stop playing advertising while I’m on hold? Talk about priming the pump for a contentious call with customer service!
…will retailers who use automated marketing programs put some thought into how they use them? I’m constantly inundated by emails from the same brand from which I just purchased something. Often, it’s promoting the same thing I just bought!
…will advertisers finally give up the archaic belief that if they simply grab your attention—whether you want to pay attention to them or not—you’ll end up buying their product? Unwanted “auto-play” videos and pop-up ads come to mind here.
…large grocery chains learn that blocking the aisles with point-of-sale items don’t inspire impulse sales? Accidentally toppling a tower of canned goods in aisle 13 does not inspire me to buy them.
…professionals realize that connecting with a stranger does not instantly give them the right to send a hard sales pitch five minutes after connecting?
If it seems there’s a bit of a theme here, you’re right. All of my pet peeves listed above are great examples of a transactional sales and marketing approach. In other words, the only thing that matters is this sale, right now. The future be damned; who cares if there’s brand damage?
To me, that’s a quick-hitting; here-today, gone-tomorrow approach that leaves little room for client relationship or future growth. It’s the strip mining of sales, to be honest. And I’m not a fan. Instead, I’d like to see more businesses, whether in the mortgage industry or not, using technology more strategically.
There is good news, however, and an answer to one more “when.” When will we start seeing better use of technology to enhance the relationship end of the business? From what I’m starting to see in 2020, going into 2021, the answer is “now,” with more on the way in our industry!
Got a few “when’s” for a future Deeper Thoughts? Ideas or suggestions for future topics? Send them to us! Please share with me at jpaolino@lssoftwaresolutions.com.