LodeStar curates a variety of content through our Lending Lenders
podcast, Reports newsletter, and Deeper Thoughts blog.

Deeper Thoughts

Millennials, Gen Z, and the Mortgage Industry

It’s been said once or twice that the mortgage industry tends to “eat its young,” when it comes to development and mentorship. There’s not enough emphasis on recruiting or, especially, developing the next generation of thought leaders.


Lending Leaders

Rethinking Hire/Fire Cycles

For this week’s episode of LLL, Jim chats with Leora Ruzin, Founder of Ruzin Creative, to talk about the mortgage industry, hiring and firing cycles, and why those are so unnecessary.


A Tale of Two Mortgages


Horace gets nervous about dropping temperatures.


Deeper Thoughts

Building on Momentum: Construction Loans and New Housing Starts

I remain optimistic that there are better times just around the corner. We have yet to experience a market downturn that wasn’t followed at some point by a rebound. But after a couple of quarters of depressed volume, widespread layoffs, and an overall conversation centered on doom and gloom, it is a little exhausting.


Lending Leaders

The Importance of Compliance

For this week’s episode of LLL, Alayna sits down with Dominique Wiest, VP of Regulatory Compliance with LendingPad. Together, they discuss all things compliance, the importance of knowing how disclosures work, and why lenders can’t afford not to know about state and federal requirements.


Loan Estimate Challenges

New Mexico’s Biggest LE Challenges

New Mexico is a state in which title insurance rates are promulgated. Accordingly, title insurance premiums are governed by the New Mexico Office of Superintendent of Insurance. Rates are adjusted state wide, regardless of the identity of the title insurance provider.


Deeper Thoughts

When Good Subject Lines Go Bad

The first milestone in sending a direct marketing email is, of course, to get the reader’s attention. Mission accomplished. But small victories don’t always lead to larger victories. The main point of any marketing email, for the most part, is to turn the unaware into the aware and get people to buy more of your stuff, eventually.


A Tale of Two Mortgages


Sometimes service is so bad, it’s impressive.


Lending Leaders

Data and Accountability

For this week’s episode of LLL, Alayna sits down to talk with Steve Sussman, Chief Business Development Officer with Nationwide Appraisal Network (NAN), about the world of appraisal, the importance of data, and the value of accountability.