LodeStar curates a variety of content through our Lending Lenders
podcast, Reports newsletter, and Deeper Thoughts blog.

Deeper Thoughts

Seeing Burnout Culture for What it Really Is

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It’s also a great time to take a look at how far we’ve come as an industry when it comes to both acknowledging the validity and significance of mental health, and providing adequate mental health resources for employees.


Deeper Thoughts

A Few Signs Your Vendor’s Just Not That Into You

In the beginning, it seems like your vendors can’t get enough of you. Proactive emails, follow up emails, quick calls just “to see how things are going.” But when a partner/vendor relationship fades, the proactivity tends to die.


Lending Leaders

Is It All Just a Game? Gamification in the Workplace with Kevin Streber

Here at LLL we get to talk to some great people, friends both old and new. Kevin Streber, an Account Director at SalesScreen, a leading sales gamification platform, has known Jim for a long time. We were thrilled to sit down with him and talk all things gamification in the workplace and what really motivates employees.


Lending Leaders

Taking Stock After Time Away with Jim Paolino

LLL had the long-awaited pleasure of reconnecting with our CEO, Jim Paolino, who’s been on paternity leave. It was great to have him back, and we were eager to catch up!


Deeper Thoughts

The Impact of Automation, By the Numbers

How much did LodeStar save clients in 2021? 61,694 paid labor hours, 1,542.4 work weeks, 29 years, or $1,96 million in hourly pay. How’s that for ROI?


Deeper Thoughts

Are We Finally Moving Past the Dreaded “Tech Silo”?

Some of the technologies designed (or altered) to manage the operational changes mandated by TRID didn’t really integrate or co-exist with some of the best and most widely used platforms in the industry. As a result, we started reading about and hearing about “silos.”


Lending Leaders

How to Survive Conference Season with Sabrina Park

LLL was delighted to sit down with Sabrina Park, Head of Digital Creative Strategy at BeSmartee, one of our amazing partners. Sabrina is an inspiration to us here at LodeStar, and we were grateful for the opportunity to sit down and talk with her about BeSmartee, spring conference season, and the joys of learning new things and meeting new people.


Deeper Thoughts

Thinning Margins? Scattershot Tech Won’t Help.

Thinning margins call for more than just haphazard automation. The mortgage industry needs connectivity among its professionals and providers.